Customer Testimonials
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Darrel Kaiser - Winner, SD
We recently completed a two day fishing trip with Jim Klages of Dakota Prairie Guide Service July 20th and 21st, 2015. It was one of many fishing trips with Jim – and all of them have been excellent. However, this trip was so great that I was compelled to write a referral for him and his service.
My brother in law, Pat went with me on day one. Even though the day started out a little slow, before we knew it we were catching fish – and lots of them! What a great day of walleye fishing!!
The second day was even better. My wife, Deanna and I had the best fishing day ever on Jim’s boat!
Once again, it started a little slow. The one thing I’ve learned about fishing with Jim, though, is that you just need to be patient. Jim gets you on the fish – every time. That day was no exception. Once again, Jim worked hard to find the fish – and boy did we catch fish! The best part was the two very large fish we caught. One was right at 20 inches and another was over 21 inches!
When we left the bay that day with a big two day limit of nice big walleye filets, I reflected that they were certainly the best two days of fishing I’ve ever experienced.
I would definitely recommend Jim. He works hard and yet has a great time doing it. Make sure to book him early and often. You’ll have a fantastic time!
Darrel Kaiser - Winner, SD
Mike B - Ponca, NE
I have used Jim many times on guided trips and consider him a friend. He has a great knack for putting you on fish and keeping you on fish. The real clincher for me was when I brought the whole family and he did such a good job keeping my boys entertained when the fishing slowed down, which wasn't often.
I would highly recommend him for family trips, as well as trips with the guys. These fishing expeditions have become more than just catching walleyes, it is always a memorable vacation experience. After every trip I make, I can't wait until I get to do it again. Get to know Jim and you will get to know a friend.
Mike B - Ponca, NE - Phone: 402-755-4110
Mike Cielocha - Columbus, NE
My family and I starting using Jim's fish guiding services in Chamberlain, SD, three years ago and it has been a great experience for all of us#
We first got an opportunity to use Jim's guide services in the summer of 2010 and since that day, we have fished with him for three consecutive summers and plan on using his guide services again this summer #2013## Not only have we had tremendous fishing success #100% limit rate#, but we also have gotten to know him and his family on a personal basis and consider him a close friend#
My family and were truly walleye fishing novices when we first started fishing with Jim in the summer of 2010# We quickly learned that with Jim's professional attitude, knowledge of the lakes and first rate equipment #boat, rod/reels, tackle, bait, etc## even we could catch our limit of walleyes# We have always enjoyed the time we spend with Jim in the boat catching walleye, bass, catfish, and northern pike# We also look forward to the time spent with him after a great day of fishing talking about the "ONE THAT GOT AWAY!!"#
Jim has most definitely provided us with some great fishing memories and we always look forward to seeing him each summer in Chamberlain#
Mike Cielocha - Columbus, NE - Phone: 402-276-2125 - Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Pat Garland - Omaha, NE
After years of fishing Francis Case Lake several times a year and as we and our boat aged, in 2001 my fishing buddies and I decided to try using a guide. We were concerned that fishing with an outsider would change the dynamics of our trips and lessen the fishing experience ( the good natures teasing, the easy banter, the previous shared experiences, etc.) of lifelong friends.
On our first outing we were hooked up with Jim Klages and we have never looked back. Jim quickly and easily fit into our group, and we have continued to fish with him 2-3 times a year. He quickly became our good friend. Instead of detracting from our fishing experience, he enhanced it. We always got our limit no matter the fishing conditions. When the fishing is exceptional he calls us to schedule a trip.
During one unusually warm January, he called and said the fish were biting. Off we went and it is still one of my most memorable trips to Chamberlain. A tip. Most people want to fish in May and June, but I have enjoyed fall fishing the most . The fishing is just as good, the weather is nice(less chance or rain), and there are less boats on the lake. When we go to Chamberlain, not only do we look forward to fishing, but we also look forward to seeing our friend Jim.
Pat Garland - Omaha, NE - Phone #: 402-393-8446
Debbie Muff

Looking forward to our fun fishing trip with Jim as our guide. We went last year and it was so much fun for the girls and the guys...He does all he work we just caught the fish and he even cleaned them and bagged them; so we could enjoy them at home. A must for anyone looking for quiet and relaxation with friends.
Thanks Jim ....see you soon! Debbie Muff
Saul Soltero - Field Director, Whitetails Unlimited

I just wanted to take a minute to Thank You for the fantastic 2 days of fishing. We enjoyed every minute of it.I look forward to working with you, andwill not hesitate to send my WTU people your way. Your equipment, boat and professionalismwere strongly noted. I hope to come fishing with you again very soon.
Saul Soltero - Field Director, Whitetails Unlimited
Cindi Filkins Keithley

Thanks for a great trip. Having never before been fishing, and not a fan of touching worms or fish, I was a little worried about this trip. But you made the experience both easy for me (whew!), and most importantly, fun, relaxing and we have LOTS of yummy fish -- i love eating them! Now I understand why my husband loves fishing like he does!
Thanks again. Cindi Filkins Keithley
Jerry Uithoven - Omaha, NE
I have done some great walleye fishing with Jim for the past 4 years. Have always caught my limit. Jim has great equipment and knows the fishing on Lake Francis Case and Lake Sharpe.
I will continue to use Jim's services this year and years to come.
Jerry Uithoven - Omaha NE - Phone: 402-699-3435
Garrett Harmon - Chamberlain, South Dakota
I've have had the privilege to know Jim and his family for about 8 yrs. Jim and I have played baseball, coached football, hunted birds and coyotes, pre-fished etc.. together so I feel I know him very well.
I have called Jim on several occasions on fishing tips. Jim has always answered and helped me find fish and try to catch em.
On 7/23/13 I had the opportunity to go on a guided fishing trip with him.... I jumped at the chance. This late in the summer, fishing is tough, especially for me. Jim and I are friends so I had high expectations even though I knew the fishing usually slows down this time of year. This guided trip was well worth it.
The morning started off with high winds and dirty water, not the most ideal conditions but Jim tried several of his tricks and we were able to catch a great limit of walleyes. We also were able to catch other nice game fish as well. Jim's equipment was great, from the poles to the boat etc. Even though we are good friends, Jim treated me like a normal client. His demeanor was great, attitude was great when the fish didn't want to bite. We covered many different spots until we found the fish.
The trip was great from start to finish. I have had guided trips before in other states but who knew the best trip I would have thus far was in my hometown with a hometown guide. Cant really beat that. I would recommend taking a fishing trip with Jim. He lives up the his WONDER GUIDE nick name.
Garrett Harmon - Chamberlain, South Dakota - Phone: 605-682-9148
Cathy Wulf

Cathy Wulf
Sudie Bock

Sudie Bock
Brad Martin
Brad Martin - Phone: 402-430-4062
Dave Martin - Omaha, Nebraska
Dave Martin - Omaha, Nebraska - Phone: 402-250-8231